Friday 12 December 2008

Cast - Thriller Film

The cast starring in our thriller are:


Simon ---------------------- Ben Jones

Reason: We had a problem with our casting, as someone dropped out, and Ben was free when we needed to film. Also, he fit the character profile quite well when he wore the appriopriate clothing for "Simon". Ben has an innocent "baby face" which is what we hoped for for the casting of "Simon", as he's meant to be a good boy gone bad. His face represents his innocent youth, and his outfit (similar to in the picture below, but without the scarf) represents the group of people he has fallen into. Because Ben usually wears similar to clothes as to the ones we picked for "Simon", he suited the character props well. He owned a coat, hat and shoes extremely alike the ones on our prop list, so generally he was a good pick.

Jitmal ---------------------- Jakob Montagu-Shaw
Reason: Jakob had the appearance and attitude to suit the character, and also, a problem with our casting led us to need him to play 2 roles in the film. This worked quite well because the other role he plays, we do not see his face. Handily, Jakob owned many clothes to fit this character, and could act the part, as its what he is usually like.

Old man -------------------- Jakob Montagu-Shaw
Reason: He's tall (which fits the character profile) and we generally thought he would be a good person for this role because he is in our group, wanted to be in the film, giving him a good chance to multi-task within the group. He also helped write the character profile for the character giving him a good idea of how to act toward the camera in the shots, as he was involved in the conversation about the character as well as the written work.

Jitmal -------------------- Mark Wright-Premachandra
Reason: Mark has the appearance and attitude for this character. At first we didn't think he would be able to play this role, so we prepared to cut out the gang leader, and prepare Jakob for the role. However, he came through and when he was available we filmed with him. Mark smokes, so it wasn't a problem getting cigarettes into the film to show the gang's nature. he also has darker skin, which fits in with the gang image and gets the film to appeal to a wider audience. Mark wears quite bright colours compared to the others in film, however this suits his character as he's meant to be the more child-like and sensitive one of the group, the "little brother".

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