Wednesday, 4 February 2009

Target Audience - Thriller Film

This is providing research into the thriller genre and its target audience's for different films. It is now possible to make a target audience profile for our thriller film in production.
The age group of the target audience is around 16-25 years, as 75% of the thriller-viewers sample were students. For our film, this can be related to by the audience, as our main characters are teenagers/young adults, providing a pathway for connection from the audience.
The gender of the target audience isn't as specific as age ranges or demographic classification, but is important nonetheless. For our film, the gender of the target audience would mainly be males, though females could be attracted to the film also. This is because, research done into the films we were "inspired" by, showed that males enjoyed the type of film more than females. Kidulthood for example, had user ratings from males as 6.0, however females were only 4.3. It also showed that 18 to 29 year olds (both male and female) enjoyed the film more than under 18's, as both 18-29 year groups voted at 6.4, however under 18 males only voted 6.0, and females only voted a low 3.2. Also, for Layer Cake, males overall rated the movie higher than females, though it was pretty close. However, for our other inspirational film Adulthood, although males overall voted 7.0, and females voted at 6.0, females under 18 voted 0.4 more than males, and were equal in ratings in the 18-29 group. This shows how the female audience is already attracted to our type of film, as there is a certain aspect of a male lead (etc) that is appealing to them, even though there are few females in each movie, and most of them that do appear are not portrayed in a respected manner. Our film isn't going to have any female actresses.
The majority of our target audience will be made up of students due to the age range. Also because of how around 75% of my thriller consumption research proved to be thriller fans.
The interests of our target audience are demonstrated mostly by other thriller films they like, so film reviews of films that we have associated with our film (such as kidulthood, its sequal, and layer cake) are important, as shown above with the gender and age results i obtained from and their user ratings.
I think the demographic choice for us will be more C1 and C2. Most films are made for B, C1 & C2 due to the fact that they can afford luxuries like the cinema, and have the means and time to go see films or buy DVD's, however i think B may be aiming a bit high for our film, as it is mainly about C1 and C2 people, students in fact, who have not yet reached the B standard.

1 comment:

clhcns said...

This needs to be labelled as audience research