Sunday 18 January 2009

Audience Categories

Audiences for media related productes can be divided into 3 main categories:
- social types,
- psychological,
- and demographic audience.

Social Class is based on a persons ocupation, and is separated into groups A, B, C1, C3, C3, and D.
Group A (3%) are the top professionsla like MP's or top hospital consultants, directors, and members of top boardrooms.
Group B (13%) includes occupations like Hospital surgeons, head teachers, teachers, lawyers, and the like.
Group C1 (22%) are the "white collar" (suits) workers, often with a degree, like teaching assistants, nurses and retail shop managers.
Group C2 (31%) is the largest group, and are the mainstream focus for most media texts, these are employee's and workers who read tabloids etc.
Group C3 (19%) are the "unskilled" or "blue collar" (no suits) workers, and they often only just have enough money for luxury products, these include occupations such as shop assistants.
Group D (10.5%) are the unemployed people, or people who live off benefits, who don't usually have any spare money to spend on things they dont need but want.

Psychological (to come)

Demographic Audience's are based on your age, gender, race, occupation and social class. It looks at all the aspects to a person's life. (more to come)

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